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Canaries Can Be Great Friends if You Treat Them Well

Birds are said to be the closest living family of dinosaurs, especially theropods (same classification as T. rex). That is why they are called raptors.  Now that they were much smaller than their ancestors during ancient periods, evolution allowed them to adapt to different climates and habitats and eventually lose their sharp teeth in exchange for beaks. 

However, this is not true for all birds, is it? I see your ducks, geese, and penguins.  However, do not worry.  Owning such a bird is not strictly legal, so you are safe!  I have to say the bird’s beak is quite sharp, so you still want to be careful!

The canary is one of the most popular of all pets among birds. Their cheerful disposition, beautiful colors and amazing singing ability give these birds a lot of importance. They are lonely by nature, so happy to be locked up in cages and sing more often in solitude. These beautiful birds are very neat, easy to maintain and suitable for an interior or yard.

The canary has a large variety of colors and feathers.  Solid shades include yellow, orange, pink, cinnamon and white, followed by color combinations. Border fancy canaries are popular among breeders and are good for beginners.

Canaries show their own personality, and Gloucester is one of the best.  It is suitable for beginners and has a beautiful singing ability.  Named after its origins in England, the miniature breed is known for its feather hat on its head that looks like a Beatles hairstyle.

Other species include the Norwich, which is a large, powerful bird but not a free-ranging breeder, and the lizard, which is bred for its unusual plumage.  The roller canary is not bred because of color or shape, but because of its soft, distinctive voice and of course, has its own distinctive color that distinguishes it from all other types of birds.

Supplies for Canaries

  • Appropriate size place to live
  • Nutritious and balanced canary food
  • Millet spray
  • Cuttlebone
  • Habitat paper or other waste paper
  • Pots for food and water
  • Different perches
  • Variety of toys
  • Birdbath
  • Nail clippers and styptic powder
  • Care supplies
  • Vitamins and supplements if do not eat a grain-based diet

Symptoms of a Healthy Bird

  • Active, fun, and sociable
  • Eat, drink and defecate throughout the day
  • Dry nose and clean dry eyes
  • Smooth skin on legs and thighs and smooth face
  • Clean, dry body
  • Smooth, well-groomed feathers

Warning Signals

  • Consult your veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms:
  • Plucked, fluffed or dirty feathers
  • Long stay on the floor of the place where they live
  • Runny nose, sneeze, or cough
  • Difficulty opening mouth / breathing and / or tail movement
  • Regurgitation / vomiting
  • Watery, bloody or pale stool or no stool
  • Hard to pass drops
  • When it doesn’t sleep, uses one foot
  • Secretion from the eyes or nose
  • Red or swollen eyes
  • Crusts on skin around face and feet
  • Close your eyes / sleep constantly during the day
  • No appetite

All of these should be considered thoroughly before rearing canaries.

the authorTamikoDardar

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