First impressions are important in general, but they are much more significant at an IT help desk. A client that calls for help has likely already been having issues, and a negative experience on the call is one of the quickest ways to convince them to stop doing business with your firm completely. Finding a means to provide every client with the attention they want is challenging, and it may become next to impossible if fundamental help desk errors are still being committed by the business. Here are a few of the most common mistakes that first-time callers to support make, along with some advice on how to avoid making them yourself.

1. Inability to listen- First things first, you should concentrate on listening as least as frequently as you talk. Although this is sound advice for nearly any kind of connection, it is particularly pertinent when it comes to support calls. Customers do not value it when they believe that their opinion is not being taken into consideration, and nobody likes having their train of thought disrupted or having someone talk over them. In addition, customers who call managed it services cairns tend to become increasingly cooperative after being allowed to air their grievances. Doing this provides you, the support staff, with a better grasp of the specific nature of the issue. This important information may sometimes contribute to a quicker resolution of the issue. This important information may sometimes contribute to a quicker resolution of the issue.
2. Knowing When to Read Your Lines- In the same vein, don’t let yourself become preoccupied with the script. Scripts are useful for training purposes, but customers will be able to detect when you are reading from a page rather than engaging in conversation with them. They have the impression that you are not paying attention to what they have to say, and this makes them unhappy. If you are willing to be a bit more flexible, it will assist in developing trust with the customer, increase communication, and encourage the customer to adhere to the instructions you give.

3. Taking too much time- Do not keep your consumers waiting for an excessively long time. When people hear the phrase “Your call is important to us” for the twentieth time, they no longer believe it. They are likely to be even more agitated when you eventually get around to speaking to them if the delay does not cause them to hang up the phone first. If you don’t have enough employees to assure that customers will only have to wait a fair amount of time, you could consider adding a call-back feature so that no one will have to waste their time.
4. Getting Angry- No one enjoys fielding irate phone calls but placing the responsibility for a problem on someone else isn’t going to solve anything. If you revert to blaming others, you will simply make the caller more agitated while also prolonging the process of finding a solution to the problem. Accepting responsibility for the issue, despite the likelihood that it is not due to your actions, will go far in fostering positive connections.